This project has two sites the first is Rosecrest Reservoir the other is 9800 South Reservoir purpose of this project is to replace the portable chlorination trailer that the district has been using with a new permanent chemical feed facility at each site. Along with a Flow Meter at each site.
Construction of a drinking water pump station building, 0ne 1.5 million gallon tanks, all associated, 2-75 hp and 2- 20hp pumps and drives, 800amp ATS power distribution, instrumentation, and chlorination room.
The work consists of construction of a new 6 million gallon per day arsenic
treatment facility with all related components, including a treatment building
containing horizontal pressure vessels, chemical systems (including tanks, pumps
and equipment), backwash clarification tanks, pump enclosure, solar drying beds,
piping, paving, pumps, security fencing, and other associated components.
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The work consists of construction of a new 3 million gallon per day arsenic treatment facility with all related components, including a treatment building containing a horizontal pressure vessel (and space for a future vessel), chemical systems (including tanks, pumps and equipment), backwash clarification tank, pump enclosure, solar drying beds, piping, paving, pumps, security fencing, and other associated components.
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The work consists of site demolition and removal of existing equipment, structures. Construct a building and storage area to house a new primary chemical storage tank and chemical dosing pumps adjacent to the existing headworks building. Install new secondary chemical dosing pumps in the existing belt press building. Installation of a secondary chemical dosing. Construct a new DAFT building and install owner furnished HUBER DAFT equipment package DAFT building includes a new electrical room.
Construction of a sanitary sewer pump lift station. With a 2000/3 Service, 750kva Generator, 2000amp ATS, Distribution Panel, One 335 hp pump with VFD and two- 85hp pump with VFD. Along with all the instrumentation and controls. This also includes a grinder vault with two grinders, a Metering, a Pigging, and Flushing building.